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Is cork harvesting bad for the environment?
Harvesting cork bark is not bad for the environment at all. In fact, it helps absorb CO2, a greenhouse gas that causes climate change. In fact, harvested cork trees absorb 3-5 times more CO2 than unharvested trees.
Can you burn cork?
Cork is a material that burns slowly. That is, yes, it burns very slowly and there is no flame, so it doesn't spread. In addition, the smoke produced during combustion is non-toxic.
How must the product be stored?
To ensure a long storage time, the spray cork must be stored in a cool, dry and low-humidity place. We recommend a room temperature between 5° and 35° Celsius. In addition, care should be taken that the paper bags are not stored directly on the floor (e.g. in basement rooms), otherwise the product could absorb moisture from the floor.
How much weight does the spray cork lose when it dries?
The spray cork loses about 50% of its actual weight by the time it dries out completely.
What is a thermal bridge?
The thermal bridge is a break in the insulation. It is most often found in joints that are difficult to insulate: doors, windows, floors, beams, etc. Thermal bridges are transmission zones that cause moisture, condensation and corrosion. In campervans, it is often the carriers that are particularly problematic when it comes to insulation and promote lasting condensation.
How many layers of spray cork are recommended?
At least 2 coats (2mm) should be applied. However, we recommend applying at least 3 - 4 layers to achieve optimal insulation.
One sack is enough for how many square meters?
A sack of spray cork is sufficient for an area of approx. 8 m² to 10 m², applied in two layers with a total thickness of approx. 2 mm. Always depending on how uneven a surface is.
working conditions and duration
- Ambient temperature between 5° and 35° C
- No frost for a period of 48 hours before application
- Clean and ventilated environment
- Between 2 shifts: 24 hours
- Complete drying: 24 hours to 1 week (Depending on thickness)
What do I need to apply the spray cork in my camper van?
The surface must be cleaned with cleaning spirit and all surfaces that do not want to be sprayed are masked off and rubber seals are lubricated with sufficient grease. Put on protective suit, goggles and mask, if necessary the hair should be covered. Then the spray cork is poured into a sufficiently large bucket and mixed with 6 liters of water using a stirring rod. Then the ready-to-use spray cork can be poured into the cleaning gun (6 mm nozzle) or into the airless cleaning machine. And let's go!
Is there a guarantee of effectiveness?
By testing in the laboratory, we can guarantee the effectiveness of our product for at least 10 years.
What main insulation for camper vans is recommended?
We recommend working with hemp or sheep's wool here to keep the insulation as natural as possible.
What color is the spray cork?
Our spray cork is naturally beige. You are welcome to color it individually with natural color pigments. However, if you want to sand the spray cork after processing, color pigments will be lost. It is therefore advisable to paint the spray cork after sanding it.
What ingredients are in the spray cork?
Our spray cork consists of cork, natural fibers, mineral fillers, thickening and binding agents. 94% are of natural origin and the product is 100% biodegradable.
How is the spray cork applied?
The spray cork should be applied using a cleaning gun (6 mm nozzle) with a compressor or an airless cleaning machine.
Can you use magnets on the spray cork?
The magnetic attraction is only available to a limited extent. The magnet should not be in one place for too long as the spray cork surface underneath will become flat. We also advise against working with hot glue on the spray cork. We cannot guarantee perfect adhesion.
What about the formation of condensation when spray cork is combined with hemp or sheep's wool?
Our spray cork eliminates all thermal bridges as it can be applied anywhere on the body, effectively fighting condensation. It can therefore be ideally combined with a natural main insulating material.
Can you use the spray cork alone?
Our product is easy to use for everyone. However, helping hands are always helpful.
Can you attach felt to spray cork?
In principle this is not a problem. We recommend slightly sanding the surface of the spray cork and then working with an appropriate spray adhesive. However, it is not necessary to process spray cork with felt.
Where is delivery?
We deliver to customers all over Europe.
Can you also paint the spray cork?
The spray cork should be applied as described with a cleaning gun or an airless cleaning machine. Due to its consistency, we cannot recommend applying it with a brush or paint roller, for example.
Why can't the spray cork be painted over?
Due to its thicker consistency, it is not recommended to paint the spray cork. For an even and optimal application, a cleaning gun or an airless cleaning machine is absolutely necessary.
Do you need a vapor barrier because of the natural main insulation?
No. Spray cork is a rot-proof insulation material that can be applied to all shapes and almost all surfaces. This eliminates all thermal bridges and effectively protects against condensation. The natural properties of, for example, sheep's wool and spray cork complement each other perfectly, resulting in complete and high-performance insulation.
How much time do you have to apply the ready-to-use spray cork?
The spray cork should be used within an hour. On average it takes 20 minutes to apply. If the spray cork has already stood for 30 minutes, it is advisable to mix it through again.
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